Tag Archives: sacrifice

Thank You Georgie


Petunia, (Pet for short) would be the first to admit that the church she was now sitting in was really one of the beautiful places in the world. On the eve of her fifteenth birthday as she sat straight up (like her mother said), and legs crossed (like her father said), she couldn’t stop the tears from welling under her bright green eyes.

“Stop it,” her Dad whispered, “Nothing you do or say will change our offering today, now gimme.”

Without another word Pet passed her six month old baby brother Georgie to her Dad who in turn passed him to the woman sitting next to him and on and on until Pastor Todd grabbed Georgie with is sweaty cold hands.

“Today,” Pastor Todd boomed as he held Georgie above his head, “The Millers have given us their first born son to die in the river just as She above demands so that we will live, Praise the Millers and bless our church!

Been awhile,but it’s time to get back to it. This is my entry for this weeks Five Sentence Fiction. The word was Offering. Be sure to click the link below to check out all the other submissions.

Lillie McFerrin Writes