Everybody Falls


But I did everything my Dad told me to,” Timmy pleaded, to a seemingly empty room, “So why am I here? I’m only nine.

An elderly stepped out of the darkness to his left, “Hey there kiddo,” the man said, “I’m here to hold your hand and take you with me, they are very excited to meet you kiddo.”

“I did the right thing Grandpa,” Timmy replied, “My Dad told me to tell him when, our step Dad hit or shoved my Mom, and I did, I texted him as soon as things happened. He told me he thought I was very brave and was on his way.”

“I know,” Grandpa replied, “You can’t be brave all the time, even the mightiest of heroes fall some time. There was an accident, but don’t worry buddy, it’s just one life, one day soon enough they will all be here with us.

Lillie McFerrin Writes

This way my entry into this weeks Five Sentence Fiction, with the word as Falling. Check out all the others and share the love! If you enjoyed it, I bet someone else will.